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How Does SUDOSCAN® for Peripheral Neuropathy Work?

How Does SUDOSCAN® for Peripheral Neuropathy Work?

One of the most dangerous complications that people living with diabetes face is peripheral neuropathy, where nerve damage — typically in the feet — causes a lack of sensation. This lack of sensation can make them unaware they have a foot injury.

Unfortunately, something as seemingly insignificant as a minor cut, scratch, or nick can be enough to lead to a diabetic ulcer, a wound that heals very slowly or doesn’t heal at all over time. This increases the risk for infection, which can escalate quickly and become life-threatening to individuals with diabetes.

Our compassionate team at Premier Foot & Ankle always seeks to embrace exciting, cutting-edge treatments, and we found one for peripheral neuropathy in SUDOSCAN®. No matter what foot condition or injury you may be suffering, we can help with education, great advice about self-care, and the most advanced treatment available. 

The danger peripheral neuropathy presents

High blood sugar damages the nerves of those living with diabetes, and though it affects nerves all over the body, it really tends to harm the feet and legs. In fact, it may impact up to half of those living with diabetes. 

Aside from the numbness, which makes you unable to tell whether you’ve hurt your foot and oblivious to extremes in temperature, you may also experience other worrisome symptoms such as:

For someone living with diabetes, an infection can turn serious quickly, raising the risk of tissue death, the need for amputation, and life-threatening sepsis.

The Premier Foot & Ankle team is proud to offer a game-changing test for neuropathy that helps your podiatrist create the most targeted treatment plan for you — SUDOSCAN.

The earlier we detect neuropathy, the better. SUDOSCAN helps us do just that, allowing you to get the best treatment earlier and avoid neuropathy’s debilitating symptoms and serious risks whenever possible. 

Diagnostic testing with SUDOSCAN allows your podiatrist to:

Armed with the knowledge that SUDOSCAN provides, your doctor crafts a treatment plan completely tailored to you and offers a range of effective treatments. Options include antibiotic treatment, wound care, and regenerative treatment like platelet-rich plasma therapy, which harnesses your body’s power to heal.

We also offer EPAT® treatment, which helps your blood circulate and hastens healing, and Podiatherm, which uses radiofrequency energy to soothe nerve pain. 

Our team at Premier Foot & Ankle is ready to help you enjoy a pain-free, active life again. Consider us your dedicated partners in care. Contact one of our five convenient Texas locations to schedule an appointment today. Call our office or book online anytime.

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