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Will My Toenail Fungus Go Away If I Just Let My Feet Breathe?

Will My Toenail Fungus Go Away If I Just Let My Feet Breathe?

If you’ve ever struggled with toenail fungus, you likely got used to hiding your feet, never wearing sandals, and perhaps trying a bunch of home remedies. The bad news is there isn’t much success with these treatments, because they don’t get to the root of your problem.

Our talented provider team at Premier Foot & Ankle offers the most advanced treatments for toenail fungus, but most importantly, they work! No matter what service you need, we offer expert care, including diabetic foot care, minimally invasive bunion surgery, and treatments for sports-related injuries from our nine convenient Texas locations.

The facts on toenail fungus

Even though toenail fungus is a common problem — it’s estimated that some 10% of people are affected by the condition, and up to 50% of older people have fungus — that’s not much comfort when you’re the one struggling with thickened, discolored nails. 

Onychomycosis is the clinical name for toenail fungus, and it develops when fungi become trapped between your toenail and your toenail bed, the tissue under your nail. The fungi can enter through even a small injury in your toe that causes your skin to break. 

Fungal microorganisms called dermatophytes actually nourish themselves with keratin, which is the protein in your nails that makes them hard. 

It’s easy to pick up nail fungus because it’s very contagious. Fungus loves warmth and moisture, which is why it’s important to protect your feet when you’re in a locker room or shower that many people use, or you’re walking around a swimming pool. 

Toenail fungus thickens your nails, gives them a white or yellow color, and causes your nails to break off in pieces, crumble, and separate from your nail bed. You might also notice material under your nail when you have fungus. Despite these symptoms, you usually don’t feel pain as a result of the problem. 

You’re at higher risk for toenail fungus if you:

It’s important to get tested and treated for toenail fungus since it can spread to other parts of your body or other people if you don’t. 

Testing and treatment for toenail fungus

Your Premier Foot & Ankle podiatrist examines you to make a definitive diagnosis when you visit our office. Though your provider might believe you to have fungus by simply evaluating your nails visually, a test using a small sample taken from underneath your nail verifies it. 

It takes deliberate and specific treatments to successfully banish toenail fungus, so an emphatic “No” is the answer to the question posed in this post’s title. Doing things like airing your feet out and using over-the-counter topical medications are usually ineffective. 

We address toenail fungus with a multi-pronged approach that even the toughest cases respond to, including:

The Hyperion Hyperblue 1530 treatment employs light waves that go deep into your nail to kill the persistent fungus that has taken up residence on your nail bed. It offers patients significant advantages in that it’s painless and requires that you visit the office only three or four times for brief, 10-minute treatments. 

If your fungus is at a severe stage or recurrent, your podiatrist may recommend removing your nail surgically. We make you comfortable during the procedure, and your formerly diseased nail gets a new start. 

Don’t delay getting care for your toenail fungus. You’ll feel better and your feet will look good again after treatment. But keep in mind that it takes months for a new, healthy nail to appear.

Call the Premier Foot & Ankle office that’s most convenient to you and schedule a toenail fungus consultation today, or request an appointment online anytime. 

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