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Lapiplasty: How 3D Bunion Correction Works Mar 2nd, 2025

Do you think you might be part of the approximately one-third of Americans affected by hallux valgus? Not sure? The condition might sound more familiar if we refer to it by its more commonly known name: a bunion.  This bony protrusion develops at the base of your big toe, causes...

How to Get to the Root of Your Chronic Heel Pain Feb 6th, 2025

We tend to take our feet — which literally carry us through life — for granted until something goes wrong. Heel pain can be one of the most frustrating, painful foot problems, and it affects some two million people per year.  If pain and other heel discomfort become bad enough,...

5 Ways to Care for Your Athletic Feet This Year Jan 7th, 2025

Our team at Premier Foot & Ankle wishes you a healthy and happy 2025! As always, our top priority is keeping your feet in the best shape possible. We know, however, that playing team sports, running, cycling, and many other forms of physical exercise can be tough on your feet. ...

How to Keep Toenail Fungus From Spreading Dec 20th, 2024

Toenails that take on a yellowish tinge, turn crumbly, and thicken, point to an unsightly and persistent problem: toenail fungus.  Different fungal organisms cause this common problem, and infections can stem from molds, bacteria, and yeast as well. If you suspect you have toenail fungus, you should know it’s contagious...

How Does SUDOSCAN® for Peripheral Neuropathy Work? Nov 7th, 2024

One of the most dangerous complications that people living with diabetes face is peripheral neuropathy, where nerve damage — typically in the feet — causes a lack of sensation. This lack of sensation can make them unaware they have a foot injury. Unfortunately, something as seemingly insignificant as a minor...

What Caused My Ganglion Cyst? Oct 10th, 2024

You might think a ganglion cyst sounds more like a villain in a sci-fi film than a podiatric condition, but these are actually small fluid-filled sacs that develop over a joint or tendon.  Though a ganglion cyst can start as a minor issue, if left untreated it can cause symptoms...

Avoid These Foods If You Have Gout Sep 18th, 2024

There’s absolutely nothing fun about gout. Just ask the 9.2 million Americans who suffer from it. Though gout is sometimes thought of as a disease of long ago — King Henry VIII lived with it — the condition is alive and well today. Our knowledgeable and caring podiatry team at...

Tips for Preventing Hammertoe Aug 7th, 2024

A hammer can get the job done well if you’re working on a carpentry project, but hammertoe is a podiatric condition you definitely don’t want.  Hammertoe can start subtly, but as it progresses, symptoms become uncomfortable, not to mention the fact that your middle toes become locked in a bent...

3 Painful Foot Conditions That Respond Well to EPAT Jul 19th, 2024

Extra Corporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) is a mouthful, but this innovative therapy addresses multiple foot problems that can cause significant pain and discomfort as well as limit your mobility. Our team at Premier Foot & Ankle embraces diverse advanced treatments for all types of foot conditions, and we continue...

Busting Bunion Myths: What to Know About Treatment Options Jun 18th, 2024

Think fast. Have you ever heard about the condition hallux valgus? Did you know that one-third of Americans are affected by it? You’re likely familiar with the more common name for this bony protrusion that emanates from your big toe joint — a bunion. Some people aren’t bothered by their...

3 Tips to Keep Your Toenail Fungus From Spreading to Your Partner May 14th, 2024

Toenail fungus causes embarrassment, and often people are so self-conscious about it that they wouldn’t be caught in a pair of sandals for anything.  Symptoms of this type of fungal infection include thick, flaking, or discolored toenails. You might also notice what looks like material under your nail, and it...

4 Telltale Signs of PAD Apr 17th, 2024

Imagine a sticky plaque that consists of fats and cholesterol accumulating on the artery walls in your legs and causing circulation problems, pain, and other symptoms. This describes peripheral artery disease (PAD), and it sounds serious because it is. Unfortunately, PAD increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes....

Try These Activity Modifications to Relieve Your Neuroma Pain Mar 8th, 2024

If you suffer from Morton’s neuroma pain, you’re likely all too familiar with constantly feeling like a jagged little pebble is in your shoe, causing you discomfort with every step you take — never mind more advanced symptoms like numbness, burning, tingling, and toes that want to separate from each...

Flat Feet and Achilles Tendonitis: What’s the Connection? Feb 1st, 2024

If you have flat feet, you already know about dealing with pain in your arches, swelling, ankle and foot pain, and more. You might even have trouble getting around. Unfortunately, there’s another condition that’s associated with flat feet that’s also painful and potentially life-limiting: Achilles tendonitis. This condition causes symptoms...

What Can I Do About a Recurrent Ingrown Toenail? Jan 9th, 2024

For a tiny area of your toe, the amount of pain and discomfort that an ingrown toenail can cause is enough to alter how you get around and even limit your movement because it hurts so much.  An ingrown toenail develops when the side or corner of your toenail actually...

Podiatherm Radiofrequency (RF) Therapy for Neuroma Pain: What to Expect Dec 13th, 2023

There’s no way you’re going to miss it if you have a foot condition called Morton’s neuroma.  Despite shaking out your shoe, you feel as if you’re walking on a pointy, hard pebble, your toes begin to separate, and you might notice a pins and needles sensation or numbness in...

4 Common Foot Problems That Require Expert Care When You Have Diabetes Nov 15th, 2023

If you live with diabetes, you already know it’s important for you and your doctor to manage it closely and well. You do your part by eating right, exercising, and bringing up anything unusual to your doctor that may be related to your diabetes and can potentially affect your vision,...

6 Signs It May Be Time to Consider Surgical Treatment for Your Bunion Oct 2nd, 2023

If you’ve ever been a fan of narrow-toed or otherwise foot-confining shoes — think pointy-toed dress shoes for men or stilettos for women — you might have set yourself up for bunions by wearing them. Bunions are bony, hard bumps that develop on your metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint as a result...

Planning to Up Your Mileage This Fall? Here’s How to Prevent Common Running Injuries Sep 1st, 2023

If you're a devoted runner but weary of doing your thing in the sweltering heat of the summer, you may be dreaming of pumpkin spice season as a time of cooler temps and amplified energy. Before diving into a more intense running regimen with added miles, it's vital to consider...

How to Avoid Recurrent Achilles Tendonitis Aug 8th, 2023

Getting older, fighting the battle of the bulge, and being a couch potato during the week but working out like crazy on weekends can all contribute to a condition that causes pain along the back of your lower leg.  Achilles tendonitis emerges when your Achilles tendon — the sizable band...

The Importance of Having a Podiatrist on Your Diabetic Health Care Team Jul 13th, 2023

Your podiatrist provides great care if you run up against a problem with your feet, whether that’s a condition such as flat feet or a problem like a bunion.  Just as you rely on your dermatologist, orthopedist, or dentist, your podiatrist ensures your feet stay in tip-top shape. Your podiatrist’s...

3 Early Signs of Bunions and How to Treat Them Jun 2nd, 2023

A hallux valgus is the medical term for a bunion — a bony bump that grows next to your big toe joint. Some telltale signs of a bunion that are caused by this growing bump are your toes pushing inward, joint swelling, and redness. Another type of bunion can develop...

What Happens if Athlete’s Foot Is Left Untreated? May 9th, 2023

Tinea pedis, otherwise known as athlete’s foot, is a common viral infection caused by fungus. Between 15-25% of people suffer from athlete’s foot — but don’t let its name fool you. You don’t have to be a major jock to get athlete’s foot. All you need is to expose your...

Best Ways to Prevent Hammertoe Apr 4th, 2023

Sometimes podiatric problems can snowball, with one leading to another. This can sometimes happen with a condition called hammertoe, where the middle joint of your toe or toes points upward rather than lying flat.  This condition most often affects either the toe next to your big toe or the toe...

5 Telltale Signs That You Have a Neuroma Mar 13th, 2023

Feeling like you have a pebble in your shoe is an often-used metaphor for a problem or painful situation you’re aware of, but that’s seemingly so small and insignificant others don’t notice.  Unfortunately, a foot condition called Morton’s neuroma gives you the feeling of walking on a constantly jabbing pebble,...

Recovering from Foot Reconstruction Surgery: What to Expect Feb 16th, 2023

Podiatrists treat every type of foot problem, from flat feet to ingrown toenails, and they also provide critical ongoing foot care to people living with diabetes. Some individuals need highly complex foot reconstructive surgery, however, and that’s something only a podiatry team with special expertise can tackle.  The extraordinary provider...

5 Problems Custom Orthotics Can Resolve Jan 9th, 2023

If your feet are sources of pain, and the pain limits your mobility or changes your gait — the way you walk — there’s no question that your overall quality of life and ease of movement are highly compromised.  Don’t try to power through the discomfort or ignore getting treated....

When to Consider Podiatherm for Nerve Pain Dec 8th, 2022

Those who suffer with two of the most frequently diagnosed and painful foot problems can finally gain lasting relief, thanks to an innovative treatment. One in 10 people suffer with plantar fasciitis, a painful condition characterized by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue that stretches along the bottom...

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Swollen Legs Nov 7th, 2022

Swelling in your legs is often nothing to be too concerned about, especially if you overdid it with exercise or suffered an injury to your leg. With time and healing, the swelling will go down. However, a potentially serious condition that also causes swollen legs is something for which you...

I’m Diabetic: Why Do I Need to Pay Special Attention to My Foot Care? Oct 13th, 2022

If you live with diabetes, your podiatrist has likely discussed the importance of taking excellent care of your feet. Diabetes complications make your feet vulnerable to certain problems, and if they progress, things can get very serious, very quickly.  Since proper foot health monitoring and care is critical for those...

What Problems Can Flat Feet Cause? Sep 7th, 2022

It’s estimated that about 30% of the population has flat feet, or fallen arches, and often it’s nothing to worry about. It used to be that the condition was enough to disqualify you from entering the military, but that’s generally not the case anymore, depending on what your symptoms are.  The dedicated podiatry team at Premier...

Will My Toenail Fungus Go Away If I Just Let My Feet Breathe? Aug 4th, 2022

If you’ve ever struggled with toenail fungus, you likely got used to hiding your feet, never wearing sandals, and perhaps trying a bunch of home remedies. The bad news is there isn’t much success with these treatments, because they don’t get to the root of your problem. Our talented provider team at Premier...

How Does Vascular Testing Work? Jul 1st, 2022

Did you know that your body contains about 60,000 miles of blood vessels? They compose your vascular, or circulatory, system, which carries blood and lymph (white blood cell-rich fluid) throughout your body, sending nutrients and oxygen to your tissues and taking away waste.  This blood vessel highway begins and ends with...

How Peripheral Artery Disease Is Diagnosed Jun 1st, 2022

Your circulatory system performs a never-ending, pivotal job: It delivers oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to your body’s organs, tissues, and muscles. It also removes waste from your organs and cells so your body can get rid of it.  Peripheral artery disease, commonly known as PAD, is a type of vascular...

What to Expect During Your Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery May 1st, 2022

In Greek mythology, Achilles was a mighty warrior, but when you develop Achilles tendonitis or worse, a ruptured Achilles tendon, you feel anything but mighty.  Your Achilles tendon is the tissue band that connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. Unfortunately, this tendon is prone to injury and inflammation...

Orthotics Can Help Resolve Many Problems Apr 4th, 2022

You may have plantar fasciitis, bunions, or diabetic wounds that must be treated, but did you know that there’s a single treatment that can help all of these conditions, in addition to quite a few others? That treatment is the use of orthotics, or shoe inserts prescribed by your podiatrist....

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Gout Mar 2nd, 2022

Gout isn’t a topic that’s discussed often, but over 9 million people suffer from it. What is gout? It’s a type of arthritis that often attacks suddenly, in the middle of the night. Although gout can affect your feet, ankles, knees, and fingers, half of all attacks target the big...

Did You Inherit Your Recurring Ingrown Toenail Problem? Feb 1st, 2022

For such a small, inconspicuous thing, an ingrown toenail can cause a world of pain, so much so that you can barely walk. Upon closer examination of your toe, however, you’ll likely notice an angry red in the area of your pain. The extraordinary podiatry team at Premier Foot &...

How Your Diabetic Diet Protects Your Feet Jan 5th, 2022

If you live with diabetes, foot care is probably top of mind for you. Diabetes causes different foot problems, and that’s just one of the things you have to manage as a side effect of this chronic condition. Others include vision problems, neuropathy, and slowed wound healing.  Diet is a...

Home Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis Dec 8th, 2021

Heel tenderness and sharp, stabbing pain can pretty much bring your life to a screeching halt. We all want to be able to walk … and run … and jump … and stand without discomfort!  Would you be surprised to know that 2 million people suffer with the chronic foot...

Are Your Shoes to Blame for Your Foot Pain? Nov 5th, 2021

We all know what it’s like to watch a woman teetering on skinny, sky-high heels and think, that’s gotta hurt! But there are other shoe-related problems that lead to foot pain you might never have considered. The talented and caring podiatry team at Premier Foot & Ankle, with nine Texas...

How Effective Is Foot Reconstruction? Oct 7th, 2021

Your feet take you far throughout your life — on average, about 100,000 miles — but they also take a beating. If you’ve suffered a traumatic foot injury or have pain and problems caused by a health condition or foot deformity, reconstructive foot surgery may be your best option.  The...

Podiatherm for Plantar Fasciitis: Can It Help? Sep 6th, 2021

If you feel like someone is plunging daggers into your heels and the arches of your feet, or putting a match to them, you’re likely suffering from plantar fasciitis. It’s a debilitating condition that’s usually at its worst first thing in the morning, but can also be awful after you...

All About EPAT® Therapy for Achilles Tendonitis Aug 10th, 2021

According to Greek mythology, the mighty warrior Achilles had tremendous strength and courage. However, he wasn’t invincible. Even though more than one story exists as to why his heel was the one vulnerable part of his body, it’s where we got the term “Achilles heel,” as a way of describing...

Recovery From Bunion Surgery: What to Expect Jul 14th, 2021

If you have what appears to be a bulbous extension at the base of your big toe, and it’s accompanied by pain or throbbing, there’s a good chance you have a bunion.  Treating bunions is often done by performing a bunionectomy, which is a surgery to bring your big toe...

How to Prevent an Ingrown Toenail Jun 20th, 2021

An ingrown toenail is a condition in which a toenail cuts into the tender skin surrounding it. The condition can be agonizing and even make it difficult to walk.  Our experienced and caring providers at Premier Foot & Ankle are experts in treating ingrown toenails. However, they would like to...

6 Treatment Options for Neuromas May 5th, 2021

If you have a painful, pronounced lump on the ball of your foot, you may have a neuroma. About 1 in 3 individuals are affected, with the majority of them being women. When a neuroma advances to a certain point, it can wreak havoc with your mobility, since the pain...

Who Needs Orthotics? Apr 1st, 2021

While there are surgical procedures that can treat foot deformities and other foot issues, conservative treatments are often all that’s needed to restore comfort and mobility.  Orthotics are just such a solution. These are devices that you insert into your shoes to help prevent and treat a wide range of...

Do I Have Peripheral Neuropathy? Mar 3rd, 2021

Peripheral neuropathy refers to the condition that can occur if your peripheral nerves get diseased or damaged. The peripheral nerves are the nerves that exist outside of your brain and spinal cord. This condition can impair muscle activity and cause pain and other uncomfortable sensations in your arms and legs....

5 Helpful Tips to Care For Your Diabetic Foot at Home Feb 7th, 2021

If you live with diabetes, you must be vigilant about monitoring your health. This includes tracking your blood glucose levels, managing your insulin, carefully planning your meals, and getting enough exercise. One thing you must also pay attention to is your feet. Feet in people with diabetes are prone to...

When Does an Ingrown Toenail Require Medical Treatment? Jan 1st, 2021

Even though ingrown toenails are very common, particularly among teens, this doesn’t mean they should be ignored. In fact, it’s often advisable to see a podiatrist, because an ingrown toenail can easily become infected. An ingrown toenail develops when an edge of your toenail grows beyond the boundaries of the...

The Best Solutions for Treating Plantar Fasciitis Pain Dec 2nd, 2020

The heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis is sharp and jarring. Affecting 2 million Americans, it oftens strikes when you take your first few steps upon waking, after you’ve stood for a period of time, and after exercising. Pain, however, isn’t the only unpleasant symptom that can go along with...

Disrupt Nerve Pain With Radiofrequency Therapy Nov 8th, 2020

There are few things more frustrating than foot pain. Whether you’re standing at the stove, walking the dog, or doing something more strenuous, such as running, all those activities can come to a screeching halt if you suffer with pain, tingling, burning, or numbness every time your feet hit the...

Recognizing the Signs of Peripheral Artery Disease Oct 5th, 2020

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is a circulatory disorder that results when fatty substances, such as cholesterol, accumulate in the arteries, causing them to narrow. The condition — which affects about 6.5 million Americans — can cause leg and foot problems.  At Premier Foot & Ankle, our expert clinicians have...

5 Tips for Preventing Athlete’s Foot Sep 3rd, 2020

Despite its name, you don’t have to be an avid athlete to get athlete’s foot. Athlete’s foot is acquired by touching someone who has the fungus or by touching a contaminated object. For example, you can get it by going barefoot in a locker room, using a towel of someone...

Preventing Gout Through Your Diet Aug 12th, 2020

If you suffer from gout, you’ve got historic, even royal, company. Composer Ludwig van Beethoven, painter Leonardo da Vinci, and King Henry VIII were all sufferers. Fortunately, today we have effective treatments for gout, and our knowledge about it is much more advanced. The podiatry experts at Premier Foot &...

Muscle or Tendon Pain? EPAT Can Help Jul 15th, 2020

There are few things that can affect your well-being as negatively as limited mobility. If you’ve tried everything for muscle or tendon pain in your feet and ankles — from ice to over-the-counter pain meds to rest — and nothing has worked, you may be wondering if you’ll ever get...

Dos and Don'ts When It Comes to Ingrown Toenails Jun 17th, 2020

Perhaps you got a little overzealous with the nail clippers and cut your toenail too much. Or maybe you injured it during a soccer game, or perhaps your nail just grows naturally at an odd angle. All of these factors can lead to an ingrown toenail. While an ingrown toenail...

When Flat Feet Are Problematic May 13th, 2020

Flat feet might have prevented you from wearing those killer heels to a big event, and years ago it was reason enough not to be able to serve in the military. Now, flat feet aren’t often considered a problem, but certain symptoms can quickly transform them into a medical concern....

Testing for Neuropathy Mar 9th, 2020

More than 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy, which is a condition caused by damaged or diseased nerves. Symptoms can include numbness, tingling, sharp pain, and even weakness to the affected area of your body. Our caring team of physicians at Premier Foot & Ankle specializes in treating peripheral...

How Are Prescription Orthotics Different Than the Drugstore Type? Feb 13th, 2020

Custom orthotics are important therapeutic corrective tools that can help with a host of foot problems. You might wonder, though, whether custom orthotics are worth getting considering you can get generic orthotics at the drugstore. While custom orthotics can cost more ― even though they’re often covered by insurance ―...

Does Wearing High Heels Really Cause Foot Damage? Jan 9th, 2020

So many of us love the look of high heels, and this style of shoe generates billions every year. This is quickly changing, though. A combination of changing times and new fashion modes has made flats and sneakers the contemporary footwear of choice. Even with these new developments, however, high...

Can I Prevent Diabetic Foot Pain? Dec 17th, 2019

Up to 50% of people who are diabetic may experience nerve pain, typically starting in the hands or feet. This pain can make it hard to sleep, walk, and enjoy normal daily activities. Diabetic nerve pain is often sharp and stabbing, or it may feel like your extremities are on...

Do Bunions Require Surgery? Nov 1st, 2019

Bunions can cause much pain and limit your mobility. Furthermore, they are a progressive issue that can cause more complications to occur if left untreated. Most people who suffer from this condition find relief with conservative treatment options.  Wearing wider shoes or using special insoles can help alleviate pain. If...

How to Tell if You Have a Hammertoe Oct 14th, 2019

A hammertoe is one of those medical conditions that pretty much looks the way it sounds. When you have a hammertoe, one of your toes bends at its middle joint, causing the end of your toe to stick out, kind of like the head of a hammer. Having a hammertoe...

How to Keep a Sprained Ankle from Becoming Chronic Instability Sep 1st, 2019

Have you ever sprained your ankle and gritted through the pain? Toughing it out or “walking it off” may seem like a good idea at the time, but you could end up paying for your bravado in the years ahead if you managed to damage your ankle ligaments. The team...

Preparing Your Home for Foot Surgery Aug 6th, 2019

Are you preparing for foot surgery? Make sure you consider all the different ways it can impact your life. From making work a challenge to requiring a bit of extra finesse when it comes to getting around, foot surgery can definitely force you to spend more time at home. That's...

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes Jul 3rd, 2019

Whether you’re getting back into running or you’re already a seasoned jogger, you should know that running shoes are essential for a speedy and safe run. People usually have their own ideas about how to choose the right running shoes, often based on feel, but many don’t have a holistic...

Learn About our Cutting-Edge Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis Jun 21st, 2019

Heel and foot pain can literally stop you in your tracks. Often, the culprit is the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. Your plantar fascia helps your feet absorb the...

What Causes Toenail Fungus and How can I get Rid of it Before Summer? May 29th, 2019

Toenail fungus is a common condition that can easily be hidden with shoes and socks during cooler months, but you’re bound to head outdoors to spend a day at your favorite lake or pool during the summer. Instead of feeling excited about summertime leisure activities, you might feel self-conscious or...